Bold Italic for UC Davis Economics graduate student
Bold Roman for UC Davis Economics faculty member
2024 and forthcoming:
Kurt, Ezgi, Cloyne, James and Surico, Paolo, Who Gains from Corporate Tax Cuts? forthcoming Journal of Monetary Economics.
Schipper, Burkhard C. and Zhou, Hang, forthcoming, Level-k Thinking in the Extensive Form, Economic Theory.
Carvajal, A. and Zhou, Hang, 2024. On the sophistication of financial investors and the information revealed by prices. Journal of Dynamics and Games
Carvajal, Andrés, and Zhou, Hang, 2024. "Idiosyncratic risk and the equity premium." Journal of Mathematical Economics
Nicolas Caramp, Julian Kozlowski, Keisuke Teeple, 2024. Liquidity and Investment in General Equilibrium, Revise and Resubmit at the Review of Economic Studies
Nicolas Caramp and Ethan Feilich, 2024. Monetary Policy and Government Debt, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
Bitler, M., Cook. J., Oh, Seojung and Rowberry P. 2023. New Evidence on the WIC Cycle: What Happens When Benefits Expire, National Tax Journal.
Giovanni Peri and Reem Zaiour, 2023. Changes in International Immigration and Internal Native Mobility after Covid-19 in the US, Journal of Population Economics
Rury, Derek and Carrell, S., 2023. Knowing what it takes: The effect of information about returns to studying on study effort and achievement. Economics of Education Review.
Geromichalos, A., Herrenbrueck, L. and Lee, Sukjoon, 2023. Asset safety versus asset liquidity. Journal of Political Economy.
Geromichalos, A., Herrenbrueck, L. and Lee, Sukjoon, 2023. The strategic determination of the supply of liquid assets. Review of Economic Dynamics.
East, Chloe, Miller, S., Page, M. and Wherry, L.R., 2023. Multigenerational Impacts of Childhood Access to the Safety Net: Early Life Exposure to Medicaid and the Next Generation’s Health. American Economic Review.
Meng, Xiangtao, Russ, K. and Singh, S., 2023. Tariffs and the Macroeconomy. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance.
Mayda, A.M., Ortega, F., Peri, G., Shih, Kevin and Sparber, Chad, 2023. Coping with H-1B shortages: Firm performance and mitigation strategies. ILR Review.
Anelli, Massimo, Basso, Gaetano, Ippedico, Giuseppe and Peri, G., 2023. Emigration and entrepreneurial drain. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.
Bitler, M., Cook, J., Horn, Danea (ARE) and Seegert, N., 2022. Incomplete program take-up during a crisis: evidence from the COVID-19 shock in one US state. International Tax and Public Finance.
Archsmith, Jim, Muehlegger, E. and Rapson, D., 2022. Future paths of electric vehicle adoption in the United States: predictable determinants, obstacles, and opportunities. Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy.
Geromichalos, A. and Herrenbrueck, Lucas, 2022. The liquidity-augmented model of macroeconomic aggregates: A New Monetarist DSGE approach. Review of Economic Dynamics.
Eriksson, K., Lake, Adison, and Niemesh, G.T., 2022. Immigration shocks and marriage market sorting. AEA Papers and Proceedings.
Geromichalos, A. and Herrenbrueck, Lucas, 2022. The liquidity-augmented model of macroeconomic aggregates: A New Monetarist DSGE approach. Review of Economic Dynamics.
Geromichalos, A., Jung, K.M., Lee, Seungduck and Carlos, D., 2021. A model of endogenous direct and indirect asset liquidity. European Economic Review.
Lee, J., Peri, G. and Yasenov, Vasco, 2022. The labor market effects of Mexican repatriations: Longitudinal evidence from the 1930s. Journal of Public Economics.
Russ, K., Baker, P., Kang, Manho and McCoy, D., 2022. Corporate Lobbying on Us Positions Toward the World Health Organization: Evidence of Intensification and Cross-industry Coordination. Global Health Governance.
Benguria, F., Choi, Jaerim, Swenson, D. and Xu, Mingzhi, 2022. Anxiety or pain? The impact of tariffs and uncertainty on Chinese firms in the trade war. Journal of International Economics.
Carpenter, C., Horn, Danea (ARE) and Bitler, M., 2021. Effects of the Colorectal Cancer Control Program. Health Economics.
Lin, Peter and Meissner, C., 2021. Persistent pandemics. Economics & Human Biology.
Eriksson, K., Russ, K., Shambaugh, J.C. and Xu, Minfei, 2021. Reprint: Trade shocks and the shifting landscape of US manufacturing. Journal of International Money and Finance.
Baker, P., Russ, K., Kang, Manho, Santos, T.M., Neves, P.A., Smith, J., Kingston, G., Mialon, M., Lawrence, M., Wood, B. and Moodie, R., 2021. Globalization, first-foods systems transformations and corporate power: a synthesis of literature and data on the market and political practices of the transnational baby food industry. Globalization and health.
Russ, K., Baker, P., Byrd, M., Kang, Manho, Siregar, Rizki Nauli, Zahid, H. and McCoy, D., 2021. What you don’t know about the codex can hurt you: how trade policy trumps global health governance in infant and young child nutrition. International Journal of Health Policy and Management.
Clark, G., Cummins, N. and Curtis, Matt, 2020. Twins support the absence of parity-dependent fertility control in pretransition populations. Demography.
Archsmith, Jim, Gillingham, K., Knittel, C. and Rapson, D., 2020. Attribute substitution in household vehicle portfolios. The RAND Journal of Economics.
Li, Yingxue and Schipper, B., 2020. Strategic Reasoning in Persuasion Games: An Experiment. Games and Economic Behavior.
Baker, R.B., Blanchette, John and Eriksson, K., 2020. Long-run impacts of agricultural shocks on educational attainment: Evidence from the boll weevil. The Journal of Economic History.
Basso, Gaetano and Peri, G., 2020. Internal mobility: The greater responsiveness of foreign-born to economic conditions. Journal of Economic Perspectives.
Basso, Gaetano., Peri, G. and Rahman, A.S., 2020. Computerization and immigration: Theory and evidence from the United States. Canadian Journal of Economics.
Bitler, M. and Seifoddini, Adian, 2019. Health impacts of food assistance: evidence from the United States. Annual Review of Resource Economics.
Schipper, B. and Woo Hee Yeul, 2019. Political Awareness, Microtargeting of Voters and Negative Electoral Campaigning. Quarterly Journal of Political Science.
Page, M., Schaller, Jessamyn and Simon, David, 2019. The effects of aggregate and gender-specific labor demand shocks on child health. Journal of Human Resources.
Choi, Jaerim and Shen, S., 2019. Two-sample instrumental-variables regression with potentially weak instruments. The Stata Journal.
Basso, Gaetano, D’Amuri, F. and Peri, G., 2019. Immigrants, labor market dynamics and adjustment to shocks in the Euro Area. IMF Economic Review.
Peri, G. and Yasenov, Vasco, 2019. The labor market effects of a refugee wave: Synthetic control method meets the Mariel boatlift. Journal of Human Resources.
Cho, Ilhyun, Contessi, S., Russ, K. and Valderrama, D., 2019. Financial choice and international trade. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
Bitler, M., Hines, Annie and Page, M., 2018. Cash for kids. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences
Feenstra, R., Luck, Philip, Obstfeld, M. and Russ, K., 2018. In search of the Armington elasticity. Review of Economics and Statistics.
Lusher, Lester, Campbell, D. and Carrell, S., 2018. TAs like me: Racial interactions between graduate teaching assistants and undergraduates. Journal of Public Economics.
Choi, Jaerim, Gu, J. and Shen, S., 2018. Weak‐instrument robust inference for two‐sample instrumental variables regression. Journal of Applied Econometrics.
Mayda, A.M., Ortega, F., Peri, G., Shih, Kevin and Sparber, Chad, 2018. The effect of the H-1B quota on the employment and selection of foreign-born labor. European Economic Review.