Domestic = US Citizen or US Permanent Resident
Please note: The figures quoted below reflect information available at the time this document was prepared.
Also, please note that figures differ depending upon whether a student is a California resident or a nonresident of California.
Establishing California residence: It is generally possible for domestic students to establish California residency and avoid paying nonresident tuition charges after one year in California, if appropriate steps are taken before the fall quarter of their second year begins. The UC Davis General Catalog contains more specific information.
Chances for admission and/or financial aid: Acceptance for admission and awarding of financial aid depend on how each applicant’s record compares with those of many other applicants. It is therefore impossible to estimate an individual’s chances until all applications have been received and examined.
- Teaching Assistantships
All applicants will be automatically considered “as if” they had applied for a teaching assistantship, so there is no need to submit a teaching assistantship application.
The teaching assistant (TA) salary = $68,000.00 for the 2024-25 academic year.
It is paid monthly in nine equal installments ($7,555.56 per month) beginning October 1. Since each quarter = about three months, TA's receive three payments per quarter, so "per quarter," the salary = $22,666.68)
Additionally, The Office of Graduate Studies requires all graduate students demonstrate oral English proficiency before they are appointed to Teaching Assistant (TA) or Associate Instructor (AI) positions. You can see minimum qualifications and additional information here: https://iae.ucdavis.edu/graduate/qualify
Teaching assistants are entitled to reduced graduate student fees.
In addition, international students (and domestic students who are not California residents), offered a TAship for the entire academic year are entitled to some funding toward the cost of moving to California (this amount varies, depending on mileage). Students must provide receipts of their own travel costs, to qualify. This funding will be paid after arrival in Davis, sometime after the fall quarter begins.
TAships are offered to most new entering graduate students each year and offers to some of the best applicants are multi-year TAships of four years (of about 350 applicants, about 50-70 are admitted and of those, about 13-19 enroll at UC Davis).
- Nonresident Tuition Fellowships
All “non-resident” applicants (international applicants and domestic non-California residents) will be automatically considered "as if" they had applied for a nonresident tuition fellowship (NRTF), so submitting a fellowship application for this kind of fellowship is unnecessary. NRTFs provide full funding toward the cost of the nonresident tuition fee (currently $5034 per quarter). NRTFs and teaching assistantships (TAships) are the most common kinds of financial aid that applicants are likely to receive. However, they are offered to some of the best applicants each year and do not provide full financial aid.
(Note: Domestic students—i.e. U.S. citizens, immigrants and permanent residents—generally can establish California residency and avoid paying nonresident tuition after one year in California, if appropriate steps are taken before the fall quarter begins.)
- Fellowships
UC Davis offers several merit-based fellowships and scholarships. These are highly competitive and the Department of Economics must choose and nominate at most four applicants for each of these fellowships; the successful applicants are then chosen through a campus-wide competition. Historically, the Department of Economics has received fewer than one fellowship per year. Consequently, only those applicants with a GPA greater than 3.7 and GRE scores exceeding the 85th percentile in both verbal and quantitative exams should apply. For more information about these fellowships, see the online admission application.
Deadline: All application materials must be received by December 15, 2024. (The GRE must be taken no later than November 2024).
For these UC Davis fellowships (not NRTF fellowships as described above) SUBMIT an Application for UC Davis Fellowship ONLINE along with the admission application.
- Other Financial Aid
- Domestic students only may request information concerning graduate loans, grants and work-study employment from Graduate Financial Aid Services, Rm. 1100, Dutton Hall, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 8596. Phone: 530-752- 9246 from 10 a.m. to Noon and 1 to 4 p.m.; email: gradfinaid@ucdavis.edu Applications are due in early March. International students are not eligible for these types of aid.
Tuition and Fees:
(Graduate Student Fees are reduced for Teaching Assistants)
- Graduate Fees
All graduate students (international and domestic) must pay "graduate student fees."
Tuition and Fee amounts are updated each year and can be found here:
(Graduate Student Fees are reduced for Teaching Assistants)
- Reduced Fees for TAs
Teaching assistants are entitled to partial fee remission on graduate student fees.
Further information about financial aid can be found on the web on the Admission Information page.Also, some answers to common questions about financial aid on the Web appear in the FAQ section (Answers to Frequently Asked Questions)