Meet some of our Economics Alum
Monthly Featured Alum

What do you do in your job? What is your work like?
In my 10.5-month Fellowship I analyze legislation, write memos and one-pagers, research issues, and help plan community outreach events. My two mentors who are part of the organization's Executive Team help me identify issues areas I want to work in and integrate me into the leadership team. My job is the ultimate learning experience because I get to observe and participate in work spanning an entire state agency. It's an excellent opportunity to learn about state government and public service.
How did your UC Davis education prepare you for this work?
The school's abundance of career and professional development resources helped me get internship and volunteering opportunities while being a student which helped me build skills and figure out what I'm interested in. I took many classes outside of my major which helped me build a well-rounded skill set. The intensity of the quarter system forced me to develop good time management skills. The classes were always interesting which made me stay curious and eager to learn.
Any opportunities you found helpful or advice they would suggest for undergraduates in our program?
I'd suggest going to office hours often and not being afraid to ask for letters of recommendation. Instructors are eager to support students wherever possible and it never hurts to ask. I recommend forming study groups on a regular basis. I often ran into the same people over and over again as I took my major classes, so you'll be able to study together as you go through the major. I took on the Professional Writing minor and I found it extremely useful since writing is an important skill for any job.
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