Economics Major Requirements

Economics Major Requirements

The Economics major is a very flexible major. The lower-division requirements are the same as those for the Economics UC Transfer Pathway, aside from additionally requiring a Statistics course. The upper-division requirement is eleven quarter-length courses.

The curriculum of the UC Davis bachelor's program in Economics encompasses instruction in deductive reasoning and analysis of models to help understand economic theory, strategies, tactics, policies and consequences. Please review the UC Davis Catalog for the Economics major requirements.


Lower Division: 

  • ECN 1A, 1AV, or 1AY - Principles of Microeconomics (4 units)
  • ECN 1B or 1BV - Principles of Macroeconomics (4 units)
  • STA 13, 13Y, or 32 - Elementary Statistics (4 units)
  • MAT 16A, MAT 17A, 19A or 21A - Calculus (3-4 units)
  • MAT 16B, MAT 17B, 19B or 21B - Calculus (3-4 units)

Upper Division: 

  • 4 ECN Core Theory courses (total 16 units)
    • ECN 100A - Intermediate Micro Theory: Consumer and Producer Theory (4 units)
    • ECN 100B - Intermediate Micro Theory: Imperfect Competition and Market Failure (4 units)
    • ECN 101 - Intermediate Macro Theory (4 units)
    • ECN 102 - Analysis of Economic Data (4 units)
  • ECN History course (4 units) - See list below
  • 3 Additional Upper Division ECN courses (total 12 units) - See list below
  • 3 ECN Advanced courses (total 12 units) - See list below


  • > ECN 110A - World Economic History Before the Industrial Revolution
    > ECN 110B - World Economic History Since the Industrial Revolution 
    > ECN 111A - Economic History
    > ECN 111B - Economics History
  • RESTRICTED ELECTIVE COURSES: courses that may have prerequisites of lower division content.
    > ECN 107 (or CGS 107, PSC 133) - Neuroeconomics/Reinforcement Learning & Decision Making 
    > ECN 110A - World Economic History Before the Industrial Revolution 
    > ECN 110B - World Economic History Since the Industrial Revolution 
    > ECN 111A - Economic History 
    > ECN 111B - Economics History 
    > ECN 115A (or ARE 115A) - Economic Development 
    > ECN 115B or 115BY (or ARE 115A or 115BY) - Economic Development 
    > ECN 117 - Economics of International Immigration 
    > ECN 133Y - Poverty, Inequality & Public Policy 
    > ECN 162 - International Economic Relations 
    > ECN 171 - Economy of East Asia 
    Also includes approved ECN 190 courses that DO NOT require 100A/B, 101, and/or 102 as prerequisites.

    > ARE 133 - Introduction to Behavioral Economics

    Also includes any ECN Advanced courses listed below.
  • ECN ADVANCED COURSES: Courses that may have prerequisites of ECN 100A, 100B, 101, and/or 102
  • > ECN 103 - Economics of Uncertainty & Information
    > ECN 106 - Decision Making
    > ECN 116 - Comparative Economic Systems
    > ECN 121A - Industrial Organization 
    > ECN 121B - Industrial Organization
    > ECN 122 - Theory of Games & Strategic Behavior
    > ECN 125 - Energy Economics
    > ECN 130 - Public Microeconomics
    > ECN 131 - Public Finance 
    > ECN 132 - Health Economics 
    > ECN 134 - Financial Economics 
    > ECN 135 - Money, Banks, & Financial Institutions
    > ECN 136 - Topics in Macroeconomic Theory
    > ECN 137 - Macroeconomic Policy
    > ECN 138 - Public Economics in International Perspective
    > ECN 140 - Econometrics 
    > ECN 141 - Economic & Financial Forecasting 
    > ECN 142 - Economics & Business Data Analytics 
    > ECN 145 - Transportation Economics 
    > ECN 151A - Economics of the Labor Market 
    > ECN 151B - Economics of Human Resources 
    > ECN 152 - Economics of Education 
    > ECN 160A - International Microeconomics 
    > ECN 160B - International Macroeconomics
    > ECN 164 International Finance
    > ECN 167 - Economic Development in Weak States
    Also includes approved ECN 190 courses that require 100A/B, 101, and/or 102 as prerequisites.

    > ARE 139 - Futures & Options Markets 
    > ARE 156 - Introduction to Mathematical Economics 
    > ARE 166 - Economics of Global Poverty Reduction: What Works & Why
    > ARE/ESP 175 - Natural Resource Economics 
    > ARE 176 - Environmental Economics

  • If students complete more than one ECN History course; the additional course(s) can count as Additional Upper Division Economics courses, and can be taken out of sequence.
  • Check prerequisites for Economic 190 courses. If it has a prerequisite of ECN 100A, 100B, and/or 101, it is an Advanced course; otherwise, it is a Restricted Elective course.
  • ECN 162 is intended especially for non-majors. Not open for credit to students who have completed course 160A or 160B. If you have completed ECN 162, then only 2 units of credit will be given for ECN 160A and/or 160B and it cannot be applied towards the major.