Data Analysis Courses

Data Analysis Related Courses

This listing of the most useful data analysis related courses for Economics majors, is current in April 2023. It covers courses in Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Communications and Data Studies.

The most essential course is a course in linear regression. Introductory regression courses are ECN 102 (Analysis of Economics Data) and ARE 106 (Econometric Theory and Applications). More advanced courses are ECN 140 (Econometrics) and STA 108 (Applied Statistical Methods: Regression Analysis). While there is overlap between these regression courses, there is benefit to taking more than one of these regression courses. For Economics students interested in data analysis, the key course is Economics 140. Additional econometrics courses are given next.

DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS (ECN)  (Economics course catalog)

  • ECN 102 (Analysis of Economics Data) This required course for the Economics major provides an introduction to regression analysis. It is offered every quarter.
  • ECN 140 (Econometrics) This course presents regression theory and methods in more detail than 102. It requires ECN 102 (or equivalent). It is offered in most quarters. The course is required if you take the Data Analytics and Economic Analysis track.
  • ECN 141 (Economics and Financial Forecasting) This course requires ECN 102 (or equivalent) and ECN 101. IT is usually offered once per year.
  • ECN 142 (Economics and Business Data Analytics) This course requires ECN 102 (or equivalent).
  • ECN 190 (Research with Economics Data) This course requires ECN 102 or ECN 140 with a grade of B- or better.
  • ECN 194HA-HB (Special Study for Honors Students) This course requires a minimum GPA of 3.5 plus consent of instructor.
  • Additionally several economics field courses include some regression analysis of data, notably ECN 132 (Health Economics) and ECN 145 (Transportation Economics). Additional economics courses entail considerable reading of journal articles that analyze data use regression techniques; for example, ECN 138.

DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS (STA)  (Statistics Course Catalog)
Most immediately useful for economists and data analysis are

  • STA 130A-B (Mathematical Statistics: Brief Course). This is the most useful and essential of the upper-division statistics courses, and is often required for graduate degrees. Can instead take MAT 135A then STA 130B or STA 131A and then STA 130B.
  • STA 131A-C (Mathematical Statistics). This is a more advanced version of 130A-B. Can instead take MAT 135A and then STA 130B or STA 131B-C.
  • STA 108 (Applied Statistical Methods: Regression Analysis). This has some overlap with both ECN 102 and ECN 140 but is still beneficial even if you have taken 102 or 140.
  • STA 137 (Applied Time Series Analysis).
  • STA 141A-C (Data Science, Data and Web Technologies, Big Data). This can be difficult to enroll in as Statistics majors get preference.
  • STA 142A-B (Statistical Learning). This can be difficult to enroll in as Statistics majors get preference.

A minor in Statistics is Stat 106, 108, 130A-B (or 131A-B) plus one course that has 130B as a pre-requisite (20 credit units).

DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS  (Mathematics Course Catalog)

To strengthen mathematics for economics take more advanced courses in linear algebra, calculus and real analysis.

  • MAT 22A (Linear Algebra). Covers vectors and matrices.
  • MAT 67 (Modern Linear Algebra). More advanced course than 22A. Requires 21A.
  • MAT 25 (Advanced Calculus). Requires 21C.
  • MAT 108 (Introduction to Abstract mathematics). Requires 21B. Includes how to prove theorems.
  • MAT 127A-B (Real Analysis). Requires 25. Calculus at an even more advanced level.
  • MAT 135A (Probability Theory). Requires 21C. More advanced than STA 130A or 131A and can substitute for them.

A minor in Mathematics is five upper division courses (20 units).


The most useful first course for computer science non-majors is ECS 32A Introduction to Programming using Python. This is followed by ECS 32B, ECS 32C and ECS 34. Majors instead begin with ECS 36A which uses C++.

  • ECS 32A Introduction to Programming. Programming in Python.
  • ECS 32B Introduction to Data Structures. Uses Python.
  • ECS 32C Implementation of Data Structures in C. Uses C.
  • ECS 34 Software development in Unix and C/C++.


  • CMN 150V (Computational Social Science). Includes web scraping and visualizng social networks
  • CMN 152V (Social Science with Online Data). Focus on web scraping and social media API's.


STS offers a number of data related courses, most with no prerequisites.

  • STS 195 (Research in Data Studies). Requires STS 101 or consent of instructor.