Kevin Salyer

Kevin Salyer Portrait

Position Title
Distinguished Professor Emeritus

141 SSH


  • Ph.D., Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1985
  • M.A., Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1981
  • B.A., Economics, California State University, Fullerton, 1980


Kevin Salyer has expertise in monetary economics.

Research Focus

Professor Salyer conducts research in macroeconomics, monetary theory, and asset pricing theory.


  • Salyer, K. (with V. Dorofeenko and G. Lee). "Risk Shocks and Housing Supply: A Quantitative Analysis." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 45 (2014): 194–219.
  • Salyer, K. (with V. Dorofeenko and G. Lee). "Rationale Erkläungen für Immobilienpreis-Bubbles: Die Auswirkungen von Riskoschocks auf die Wohnimmobilienpreisvolatilität und die Volatilität von Investitionen in Wohnimmobilien." Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitk 12 (2011): 153–171.
  • Salyer, K. (with V. Dorofeenko and G. Lee). "A New Algorithm for Solving Dynamic Stochastic Macroeconomic Models." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 34 (2010): 388–403.


Kevin Salyer teaches courses in macro theory and macroeconomic policy, and oversees honors study.


  • Research Grant Jubiläumsfonds at the Austrian National Bank: "Der Einfluss von Heterogenität, Unsicherheit und dem Hypothekenmarkt auf den Wohnungsmarkt und den Wirtschaftszyklus" (with Gabriel Lee at University of Regensburg and Victor Dorofeenko, IHS, Vienna), September 2008
  • Research Grant (Jubiläumsfonds) at the Austrian National Bank: "Crash States, Business Cycles and Welfare States: Theory and Empirical for the U.S. and Europe" (with Gabriel Lee at University of Regensburg and Victor Dorofeenko, IHS, Vienna), December 2004