Deborah Swenson

Deborah Swenson Portrait

Position Title

1118 SSH


  • Ph.D., Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991 (Bradley Foundation Fellow)
  • B.A., Economics, Stanford University, 1985 (Phi Beta Kappa)


Deborah Swenson has expertise in international economics, public economics, foreign direct investment and offshoring.

Research Focus

Professor Swenson conducts research focusing on international trade, multinational firms, outsourcing and international taxation.


  • Head, K., Jing, R., & Swenson, D. (2014, September). From Beijing to Bentonville: Do multinational retailers link markets? Journal of Development Economics, 110, 79–92.
  • Feng, L., Li, Z., & Swenson, D. (2012). The connection between imported intermediate inputs and exports: Evidence from Chinese firms. NBER working paper, 18260.
  • Swenson, D. L., & Chen, H. (2008). Multinational firms and new Chinese export transactions. Canadian Journal of Economics, 41(2), 596–618.
  • Swenson, D. L. (2007). Competition and the location of overseas assembly. Canadian Journal of Economics, 40(1), 155–175.
  • Swenson, D. L., & Gron, A. (2000, May). Cost pass-through and the U.S. auto market. Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(2), 316–324.


Deborah Swenson teaches courses in international economic relations and international trade.


  • Grant, National Science Foundation: "Empirical Evaluation of Foreign Outsourcing Decisions and Trends in Vertical Specialization," 2001–2013
  • Network Fellow CES-Ifo, Munich, Germany, 2007-Present
  • Board of Editors: Canadian Journal of Economics, 2007–present
  • Board of Editors: International Tax and Public Finance, 1998–present
  • Faculty Research Fellow: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1994–present
