Position Title
- Ph.D., Economics, Boston University, Boston, 2008
- M.A., Economics, Queen's University, Kingston ON, Canada, 2003
- A.B., Economics, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH, 1999
Professor Rapson conducts research in energy and environmental economics, industrial organization, and applied econometrics. In his research he has collaborated with electric utility companies and government regulatory agencies, with a focus on informing policy decisions in the transportation and electricity sectors. His research includes the evaluation of dynamic electricity pricing regimes, carbon offset programs, and the design and analysis of large-scale randomized field experiments to test the role of information and prices on consumer electricity demand.
Research Focus
Professor Rapson conducts research in energy and environmental economics, industrial organization, and applied econometrics.
- Rapson, D., and K. Jessoe. "Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Under Mandatory Time-of-Use Electricity Pricing." Journal of Industrial Economics (forthcoming)
- Rapson, D., and K. Jessoe. "Knowledge Is (Less) Power: Experimental Evidence from Residential Energy Use." American Economic Review 104.4 (2014): 1417–1438.
- Rapson, D., K. Jessoe, and J. B. Smith. "Towards Understanding the Role of Price in Residential Electricity Choices: Evidence from a Natural Experiment." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 107.A (2014): 191–208.
- Rapson, D. "Durable Goods and Long-Run Electricity Demand: Evidence from Air Conditioner Purchase Behavior." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 68.1 (2014): 141–160.
- Rapson, D., K. Gillingham, M. Kotchen, and G. Wagner. "The Rebound Effect is Overplayed." Nature 493 (2013): 475–476.
Dave Rapson teaches courses in Energy Economics (undergraduate and masters), Industrial Organization (PhD), and Industrial Organization (undergraduate).
- California Air Resources Board grant ($300,000): Plug-in electric vehicles in the secondary market (with co-PI T. Turrentine and G. Tal), 2014.
- UCE3 ($17,000): Vehicle choice and transaction costs, 2013.
- California Air Resources Board ($300,000): Modeling vehicle choice and usage (with co-PI P. Mokhtarian, K. Gillingham, C. Knittel), 2012.
- UC Davis ($840,000): Research Investments in the Sciences and Engineering (with K. Levitt, Ho-Chen, George Barnett, J. Bushnell, A. Scaglioni, and Nicole Woolsey-Biggert), 2012.
- National Science Foundation ($240,000 Rapson share): with G. Kesidis, K. Levitt, D.J. Miller, J. Rowe, J. Bushnell, A. Scaglioni), 2012.