Finding an Internship

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UC Center Sacramento

An experiential internship is the most important component of the UC Center Sacramento public policy program. To this end, UC Center faculty and staff work closely with students to ensure that internship placements meet the goals and interests of each student.

Nearly every policy issue may be explored through an internship: K-12 education, higher education, health care, civil rights, agriculture, water resources, environment and environmental justice, criminal law, public safety, poverty, immigration, corporate, technology, privacy, animal rights, small business, taxation, international trade, U.S.-Mexico relations, Second Amendment rights, political reform, foster care and other children’s services, energy, child abuse, women’s rights, legislative reform, local government, veterans affairs and fiscal reform – to name but a few.

To learn more about where UCCS students have been placed in an internship, please visit and follow UC Center Sacramento on their social media platforms. If you have any questions regarding the internship placement process, please connect with one of the advisors at

Learn more here

Internship & Career Center

The most effective internship searches use a variety of different search strategies in common with a job search. The Internship & Career Center (ICC) encourages undergraduate students to persistent in their search, start early and regularly check in with resources for updates and new opportunities. For ICC-specific resources sign up for ICC email subscriptions.

Handshake is where UC Davis students and alumni connect with employers. Select "Jobs" from the tool bar then use the Filter button and select Internships to search for available internship opportunities.

Check out specific job titles, work places and links to related professional organizations from the Internship and Career Center: 

  1. Economics
  2. Business Studies
  3. Business Analytics
  4. Finance
  5. Public Administration
  6. Law

UC Davis Washington Program

UC Davis Washington Program offers undergraduate students an exciting opportunity to combine course work, exciting field research and unparalleled internship experience during a quarter's residence in our nation's capital. Students gain valuable on-the-job experience with professionals and experts in fields that interest them. Economics students can discover major-specific internship opportunities herePlease note, participation in the Washington Program or the UCCS program will not warrant additional units. Academic credit can only be given for internships at institutions and companies outside campus.