Allyanna Pittman: Associate Governmental Program Analyst

Allyanna Pittman: Associate Governmental Program Analyst

"One of the most important things that UC Davis taught me was how to be an informed consumer of research."

Name: Allyanna Pittman
Company: CA Department of Healthcare Services
Majors: Economics and Psychology
Graduation: 2017


I graduated from UC Davis in spring 2017 after completing a double major in economics and psychology. While I was a student, I was a research assistant for the Asian American Center for Disparities, an economics tutor, the Outreach Student Assistant for the UCD CARE office, and the Financial Analysis & Risk Management Student Assistant for the California State Lottery. Right after graduating, I was presented with the opportunity for a full-time position with the UC Davis CARE Office and worked there until September 2019. After a couple of years in sexual violence prevention, I shifted gears and joined the Department of Health Care Services as an Associate Governmental Program Analyst in the Capitated Rates Development Division.

What do you do as an Associate Governmental Program Analyst (AGPA)?

As an AGPA in the Capitated Rates Development Division, I work on projects and processes pertaining to the development of managed care capitation rates for individuals who receive Medi-Cal benefits. Some tasks I have include analyzing legislation, financial data, and policies regarding health care financing. I am also responsible for coordinating communications between the Department, managed care health plans that receive Medi-Cal funding, and the Department’s contractors.

How did your UC Davis education prepare you for this work?

One of the most important things that UC Davis taught me was how to be an informed consumer of research. Being able to know how to access that information and assess its validity are skills I credit to my education here at UC Davis.

Are there any classes or activities from Davis you found particularly helpful?

My specialization in Poverty and Inequality for my economics degree was very helpful for my current position at the Department of Health Care Services. Also, being a student assistant at both CARE and the California State Lottery gave me opportunities to get connected to the work force very early on.

Do you have any advice for current students?

Your undergrad career will fly right by so you really have to take advantage of the unique opportunities you have available to you. Make an appointment with the ICC, utilize counseling services if you are feeling overwhelmed, try out different things and figure out what you enjoy! Don't just spend every second of your free time studying (the law of diminishing marginal returns definitely applies to hours spent studying!). Enrich your experience by building connections with other people and actually developing technical skills.